Shane Linse

I’m a proud 21-year member of IUOE Local 302. I started my IUOE career in Alaska as a heavy equipment operator apprentice in 2002. Spending most of my time working the Arctic winters of the North Slope oilfields and road projects across the state in the summers. In 2006 I received my first introduction to Union leadership by accepting a Shop Steward position for the Local. Then hired as a Field Rep in 2008, appointed as a Training Trustee in 2011, and
then as an Executive Board Member for the Local in 2015. During my tenure in the Local, I served on the Anchorage Building trades Council for several years and was elected President in 2018, negotiated and ratified numerous collective bargaining agreements, and participated in countless political discussions, campaigns, and rallies. After almost 15 years as a rep in Alaska, I accepted a Field Rep position for our Boise office. In January 2023, I moved my family to the Treasure Valley. I hope to increase the market for Union labor and help spread the word of the Labor movement.
My father worked most of his life as a nonunion truck driver, other than about a 10-year period he was a member of Teamsters 959 in Alaska. However, those 5 years played a critical role in his life. While I was busy starting my career, Dad continued to work. He worked so many years nonunion he couldn’t afford to retire. Thankfully that small pension he built up from the Teamsters kept him fed, but he still needed income to live. At the age of 71 he passed away while working. This is why I chose to do what I do. Help working families have a good wage with healthcare benefits and a chance to retire.
With the different roles and positions I have served in my local, and the Alaska labor movement. I hope to bring experience and diversity to the Idaho AFL-CIO Executive board. Alaska has similarities with Idaho, but also many differences. With that, I hope to bring a different perspective but remain sympathetic to the Idaho way of life. Change is difficult, but labor needs to grow and adapt. With some “thinking outside the box”, and
perseverance we can make Idaho a better place for working families.